Research & Articles
We're Still Here 2020
We're Still Here 2020 is the second part in a series of research undertaken between Irish Community Care and Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race & Equality Centre (CHAWREC) Into the needs and experiences of Gypsy/Traveller communities in Cheshire, Halton & Warrington. Click on the picture below to read the report.
Fréa - Digital Solutions Programme 2020
This report investigates the relationship between older Irish people across the North of England and digital technologies. It explores their level of access, understanding, usage and ambitions with digital technologies. This report was produced during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with data collection taking place between June – September 2020. Click on the picture below to read the report.
Here to Stay 2006
Here to Stay is the first part in a series of research undertaken by Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race & Equalities Centre into the needs of Gypsy/Traveller Communities in Cheshire, Halton & Warrington. The study remains a vital piece of research despite its age and is still widely cited by authorities. Click on the picture below to read the report.
Opening Doors 2013-2016
Service Evaluation Report
ICC’s BIG Lottery funded (2013 – 2016) Opening Doors (OD) project has delivered one to one person centred information, advice and ongoing support services to Irish and Irish Traveller/Gypsy Traveller Service Users in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) - two BAME communities who are over- represented in the CJS and whose needs go unrecognised.