The story of Irish Community Care
ICC was established by a group of very committed volunteers within the old Irish Centre in Liverpool who were concerned about the welfare of other Irish people arriving into the city with no support mechanisms, little or no information about services, and no family support.
The 1960’s; 70’s and 80’s were difficult times for Irish people in the UK; anti Irish racism, discrimination and associations with terrorism were common experiences. ICC volunteers worked tirelessly to make sure people were safe, well connected and manging the many challenges of settling in a new country.
The work of volunteers in supporting people who were arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, making contact with local police, prisons, consular services and reassuring families back home was particularly important during this time.
Since those early days, ICC is now a registered charity continuing to provide vital services to ensure people stay safe, well and connected; and can achieve their goals and ambitions. We have an excellent reputation as a leading participant in the provision of vital support, information and guidance for Irish, Irish Traveller and Gypsy Traveller people across the North West. Our services are delivered by highly skilled staff and volunteers; and we are governed by a Board of Trustees.
Many people associate ICC with supporting very vulnerable and marginalised members people and yes we absolutely do that: we work with men, women and children who are very much disconnected from our community, from opportunities and life chances, people living on the fringes; on the edge; people who are homeless, people in prison. Indeed that is a very important focus of our work; but equally as important we work with people from all walks of life, older people, younger people, business people, those newly arrived or wanting to go home, people long settled here, people who are stressed, have anxiety or depression and more enduring mental health conditions; people caring for a family member coping with illness, individuals and families who need a helping hand to manage a transition or a difficult situation in their lives. We are here to help in whatever way we can.