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Irish Community Care have been supporting members of the Irish and Irish Traveller communities for over 50 years. As a charity, we need your support. Even the smallest donation can make a real difference in people's lives.


Be part of our work, donate today by clicking on the links below, or you can send cheques, postal orders and charity vouchers to:


Irish Community Care

151 Dale Street,

Liverpool L2 2AH.


Thank you. Go raibh mile maith agat.

Any Amount

We welcome all contributions, no matter how 
small or large!



This will pay for 2 people to attend one of our Afternoon Tea Dances and enjoy live Irish music, a full afternoon tea, raffles, dancing & craic! 

Image by Clem Onojeghuo


This will pay for 10 people to enjoy a hot and home-cooked 2 course dinner at our Friday or Monday lunch group and sit and chat with friends in a relaxed and social environment.



This will pay for the hire of a hall/venue for a week so we can hold our weekly luncheons, gatherings, events and groups. 



This will pay for 3 older, isolated people to go on a lovely day trip to the coast and have lunch and a cup of tea!

Image by Simon Godfrey


This very generous donation will sponsor a St Patrick’s Day or Christmas lunch event including live Irish music, hall hire, decorations and raffle prizes.

Image by Chewy
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